วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

House Approves Bill To Spy On Americans By Misrepresenting Or Lying About What's In The Bill

Recently, we talked about how the House voted to approve the FISA Amendments Act (FAA) by a fairly wide margin, and noted some of the most bizarre claims and imprecise representatives advanced to support renewal. Julian Sanchez has established a good summary of some of the more extravagant claims. The key here is that many legislators seemed to Act Amendments of FISA at face value, they are used to guide foreigners in foreign countries - in other words, those who have no protections Fourth Amendment. But as Sanchez has repeatedly emphasized, the former Deputy Attorney General David Kris, revealed about the law is interpreted in the sense that, although the information get

strength be useful in the selection of foreign nationals in foreign countries, is fair game. This means that - contrary to the claims of many advocates direct FAA - the law is used to spy on Americans.

Sanchez also highlights another interpretation stealth. The law states that prohibits the interception of "purely internal" communication. But there is a rider with a hell of a loophole. " Known at the time of acquisition "As Sanchez points, you can drive a big truck through this loophole, because if you are, for example, the collection of all electronic communications without know - at the time of purchase - whether purely internal ... and, therefore, you are good to go. Basically, ignorance is a blessing for the NSA.
But these two giants lagoons and schematic interpretations seem to be totally ignored by the congressional representatives who expressed more strongly in favor of renewing the FAA:
The chorus most common supporters of the FAA was the only law of vigilance against the question "strangers in a strange land," meaning that it could not not infringe the rights Americans. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), in an impressive display of lung power, screamed ground five minutes for this purpose. "This bill has nothing to do with the Americans on American soil," Gowdy thundered: "This bill does not mean that the Bill of Rights, nor assumes any part of our Constitution, unless you think that foreign citizens who are down on foreign soil in the protections of the U.S. Constitution. "But Gowdy namely that it is false, because the Court of intelligence, covert surveillance Foreign already pronounced
on at least one occasion that the authorized surveillance FAA
violation of the Fourth Amendment prohibition on "unreasonable searches and seizures."

Similarly, we have seen how the NSA declined to say how many Americans have been spied on using these tools, saying it is impossible to know (or violate privacy of know - seriously) . however, Sanchez stated that, despite insisting that the NSA is impossible to know, this has not prevented the representatives say they did not know.

Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers of (R-MI) was slightly ambiguous, apparently recognizing that the law strength
allow surveillance of Americans, but it would happen very rarely. The mystery is how would I know. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has repeatedly asked the NSA for a rough estimate of how many Americans-100? 1000? 100,000?-Communications were captured in raids FAA agency. If the representative of Rogers was correct, it is expected that the answer is "almost nothing", but the agency has repeatedly stressed that it is not able to provide even a ballpark figure. Unless the representative of Rogers knows something about databases that the NSA NSA does not know, can have no real basis for this assertion.
And Rep. Dan Lungren ago. Previously, we observed that when discussed at hearings on the FAA, which shook the concerns about spying on Americans, saying he had not seen any evidence so that it could not be true. Of course, he did not bother to look for evidence by
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